13 May 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen,
*** please read this in a silly accent ***

Wondering who put that pie on your skateboard? Has your dessert trolley been swapped for a wheelbarrow? Who loaded your fish suppers into a sidecar and drove them off? Where is your MOVEABLE FEAST??

Ok, ok - enough of this. It's us.... ORKESTRA DEL SOL! But we had such a good reason for playing such ridiculous food related practical jokes because. . . .

...we are RELEASING OUR BRAND NEW ALBUM - THE MOVEABLE FEAST all over the planet….. TODAY! Order for it! Download it! Pay us, your pals, for it! - However YOU WANT IT, YOU CAN HAVE IT!

Too busy to listen to the whole album in one go? Then you can buy it ONE TRACK AT A TIME from the marvelous ORKESTRA DEL SOL WEBSITE! Enjoy each moment of expectation as you wait for the track to download, as you would cooking an egg in your new microwave or waiting for toast to pop up. These are one of the many joyous experiences you may encounter trying to listen to the music of the ORKESTRA.

Also we have in finished our CHINA HOLIDAY MOVIE which I am sure you have all been waiting to see and you can now have a look at it on Orkestra del Sol TV on Your Tubes or on OUR WEBSITE!

But life cannot be lived only through your headphones and your interwebs. No! You must take yourself along to Edinburgh's QUEENS HALL ON SUNDAY and experience the REALITY THAT IS ORKESTRA DEL SOL! Yes, we will play music that is guaranteed 100% LIVE PERFORMANCE - entering your ears and having a unique effect on the rest of YOUR BODY. You can even buy your very own copy of the album then and there because it is our OFFICIAL CD LAUNCH PARTYJANI!
See you there!

Your friends, ORKESTRA DEL SOL





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